
Showing posts from November, 2008

My Articles Content Are Stolen!

While doing some searches through Google today, I was so surprised to see several of my articles posted in several blogs - copied word for word, same title, but now under different author name! A blogger named ASWATHY posted my article Find Your Dream Job Using an Online Job Search Engine at this blog address posted on November 21, 2008. The same article is also posted in these blogs both by Ada Denis posted on November 29, 2008. I posted a comment to this post requesting the blogger to take down my article. It's awaiting moderation so I'm sure it won't get publicly published, but the blogger will eventually read it. My other article Specialty Search Engines: Everything Yo...

Happy Thanksgiving, America!

On Thursday, November 27th, the whole of the United States will celebrate Thanksgiving . This is this time of the year when Americans give thanks for the blessings of the past year and gather together with their families over a dinner of baked or roasted Turkey, casseroles, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and more. A spectacular parade organized in New York City by Macy's is a major component of the celebration. Many people brave the cold, the wind, and thousands of other spectators to attend the annual parade. Other people from around the world watch the parade on television. Giant balloons shaped like animals and cartoon characters float above the streets, and bands from high schools nationwide march in the parade. The following day, called Black Friday , signals the start of the holiday season. So much to be thankful for, in spite of everything. Have a great holiday to those in the USA! Is Evolving

I went over to earlier today to do some web search and I was surprised to see some changes. This search engine has got me hooked because of its simple and clean layout, plus the fact that I don't have to know the advanced search techniques to get more relevant results from my queries. I still use Google for most of my searches but I find it a good idea to try and explore other search engines too. It's good to know that people behind this Find Engine and Directory is constantly improving the site for the benefit of its users. As a content directory, the site offers articles on popular topics like Computers, Business, and Environment. The search engine will give you brief but useful information about the category when you click the category name. Now, how cool is that? And you didn't even click the Find button yet! In this case I clicked the Business category and what I got is an article that talks about business and how I go about having one. The article even advi...

I'm sick :(

I'm not feeling really well since yesterday. I'm sick with chickenpox which gave me headaches and makes me feel dizzy most of the time. I filed a leave from my office work and just stayed at home. I am so sad because I have to isolate myself from the kids. I am taking acyclovir so I could not sleep with my baby and breastfeed her throughout the night. So sad :( I thought of giving her a vaccine next week if it's advisable already for babies as young as she. It is so hard to shut myself off completely from my kids because they are all too clingy - they all wanted me most of the time. I welcome the respite from office work to do my online jobs. It's a relief I can work from home without worrying about my horrible face! Hopefully this will die down this weekend.

Another Quick Post

I am too slow again to update this blog. Well, I've been very busy but I am loving every bit of it! I'll make this short and hurried post before I'll get busy (again) preparing for my son's 5th birthday party later today. I got myself enrolled in Globe's Flexi plan last week that comes with a Samsung 3G phone and an extension prepaid phone of my choice. I've been a prepaid user ever since so why the switch? I consume so much prepaid load in a month for calling and texting my husband in Surigao, communicating with my brother who manages my internet cafe in Initao, texting my officemates, friends and family so I find it a good idea to switch to postpaid. At least now I don't have to worry to run out of load in the middle of a call, which is handy during emergencies. With Globe postpaid I can also share a load and subscribe to their unlimited texting promos. I went grocery shopping yesterday for my son's birthday and I used my oDesk card to pay for my bill....

I've Got A New Look!

Have you noticed WAHM wanna-be's new look? If you're a frequent visitor, you will :). I've changed templates for this reason: I want more colors for my blog, just as my life is colorful! And in case you're wondering, my life's dominant color is RED - becauseit is full of love, from my family and friends, and most importantly from GOD.

Tangled by a Squid!

It seems I’m getting addicted to Squidoo. Guess what? I’ve made another great lenses on . The first one is about laptops and how to take care of them. I am a new laptop owner myself so I find this lens helpful that I bookmarked it! Laptops need to be taken care of so that they will last as long as they may go. This lens offers different ways to guard your laptop’s health. Christmas is just around the corner and you may want to start making your shopping list this early. Are you thinking of buying a digital camera as a gift for your loved ones this Christmas? Or are you a budding photo enthusiast who is looking for a digital camera to buy for your hobby? The second lens offer ideas on how to buy a digital camera for Christmas. Check ‘em out, peeps!