My Articles Content Are Stolen!

While doing some searches through Google today, I was so surprised to see several of my articles posted in several blogs - copied word for word, same title, but now under different author name!

A blogger named ASWATHY posted my article Find Your Dream Job Using an Online Job Search Engine at this blog address posted on November 21, 2008.

The same article is also posted in these blogs both by Ada Denis posted on November 29, 2008.

I posted a comment to this post requesting the blogger to take down my article. It's awaiting moderation so I'm sure it won't get publicly published, but the blogger will eventually read it.

My other article Specialty Search Engines: Everything You Need to Know About Them is posted here on November 15, 2008 with no link or reference to the original author that is me.

This article Looking For a Best Buy Digital Camera? Check This Out! can be found posted here and here I don't know if these two are owned by the same blogger.

I've seen the same articles posted on other websites and their owners are sensible enough to give credit to the original author by either including the resource box at the end of the article or directly linking to the article page at EzineArticles. I sincerely thank them for that. If others do it, why can't they, right?

I've contacted these bloggers already to correct their wrongdoings or else I'll be forced to go and complain to their respective webhosts. With blogger blogs, Goggle can shut down a blog within 24 hours after receiving a formal complaint. Of course, I don't want that to happen, just yet...We'll see..

I'd love to see my articles posted in other websites of course, but not this way. It's not a big deal to me really, but then again I think this practice should not be condoned at the very least. These people should give credit to where it is due. Stealing won't help their online presence, it will surely backfire. I pity them.


Shilpa said…
My article has been stolen as well. I had bid on one of the freelance projects where I was asked for a sample article. After I submitted it,I was rejected because my prices are too high. And now, I see that is is published by them without my knowledge! What do i do? I posted complaints to the web hosts..hope it helps!

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