Challenges of Working from Home

I celebrated my 3-monthsary of being a full-time work at home mom last Saturday by treating myself to a very relaxing day at a salon. I had a foot spa, a manicure and a pedicure, and had my short hair milk-rebonded. What a treat, you would say? Well, I deserve it :)

Working from home can be very challenging; you're shut off from the outside world, for one, and it can get very boring. Though the internet affords me to go to each and every place imaginable, it still feels so much different mingling with friends and acquaintances every day. I had been an employee for the past twelve years and though I love the transition from being an office employee to a WAHM, I'd say it was not very smooth. My body clock has changed. I used to wake up early in the morning to go to work, now I work until the wee hours of the morning and wake up a couple of hours before noon each day. I miss my officemates and the talks and the laughs that we had, I miss the students, the parents and the interactions I had with them. I miss each and everyone I got to mingle with each day that I went to work.

I love being a WAHM, there's no question about it. I had been praying for this since I bore my first child and I am so thankful to God for giving me the desire of my heart. Working from home gives me the freedom and the flexibility I so needed. I get to work at my own hours, no strict time-in and time-out to keep, and I can even work while lulling my baby to sleep in my arms. I work from a little corner in my room in my sleepwear, with unmade-up face and tousled hair. And I love every bit of it. I'm my own boss!

But one thing is for sure - I miss working in an office setting. I have decided that I really need to treat myself to a home office. Why? A home office gives every work from home moms like me the luxury of privacy and space for doing specific tasks that don't fit in the general flow of the household. Any suggestions?


Unknown said…
Congrats on being a WAHM. That is also my dream. Hopefully one of these days, I'll be a WAHM.
Anonymous said…
Good for u sis. Ako din gusto ko talaga maging wahm kasi baby ko lumalaki na di ko masyado nabibigyan ng oras eh. Sana ako din no?
Cheesecak3 said…
Wow sis congrats! Keep it up.
angel said…
Kaya mo din yan sis, believe me. Just keep on dreaming.

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