Earth Hour 2009

I have joined the movement and signed up with Earth Hour. Earth Hour is about taking simple steps everyday that collectively reduce carbon emissions – from businesses turning off their lights when their offices are empty to households turning off appliances rather than leaving them on standby. It aims to bring global climate change awareness to people of all walks of life all over the world.

On March 28th at 8:30pm local time, wherever you are in the planet, you can participate in Earth Hour by turning off your lights for 60 minutes. Over 1,508 Cities and towns in 80 countries around the globe have already signed up to participate.

Since I have little kids around the house, I plan to switch off the lights earlier and maybe enjoy a family dinner by candlelight.

To find out more about Earth Hour, visit the official website, sign up and join this noble cause.

We only got one Earth to live in. Shouldn't we take care of it?


Janna said…
This is a very good article.
Thanks so much for your comment on Sparky and Camelot. I loved them very much.

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