A Certified Busy Mommy

I had been very busy these past few days. Things around here have become so hectic I feel like I’m always running out of time. My baby was sick I had to bring her to her pedia. Thank God she's OK now. And, I have the usual mommy chores to attend to. Good thing I have my sister and my mother-in-law to help take care of the baby and the kids and maintain the house. Then there's my offline and online jobs. I am glad my hubby is not here I can forget for a while my wifely duties though I still check on him every day as every dutiful and loving wife should. And oh, he’s just got promoted to the next higher rank!

People around me are wondering how I was able to do all these things. They’re fully aware I’m no super-woman :). Sometimes I have to literally slap myself on the face to be reminded that I am not, and that I need to slow down a bit. I have this tendency to be obsessed with work that I wouldn’t stop till it’s done, stretching myself too thin in the process.

So how am I able to fit it all in? I have found out that taking even a short, little break in between work and other duties is an excellent way to rejuvenate my tired mind and body. What follows are the little things I do to take a breather and avoid being burned out and feeling stressed.

I do a few stretches at my desk while working. Sitting at a computer for hours can leave my neck, back and shoulders tense. Giving those muscles a little break is beneficial.

I close my eyes for a minute or two and do a few breathing exercises every time I got stressed out during the day. Taking these mini breaks throughout the day keeps me calmed and relaxed.

If stress and worries bog me down, I take a long, warm bath. Warm water soothes and relaxes tension away. It is also beneficial if essential oils such as lavender are added to the water.

I take a walk every time I got stucked. Even a short little walk to my sister's house across the road gives me an instant energy boost.

There you have it! I have found those little timeouts above excellent ways to make me calmed and relaxed, thus allowing me to get more things done in a day.


Buy RevitaDerm said…
I have found out that taking even a short, little break in between work and other duties is an excellent way to rejuvenate my tired mind and body. What follows are the little things I do to take a breather and avoid being burned out and feeling stressed.

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