
Showing posts from October, 2011

SSS Salary Loan Online Application

I checked my SSS online a while ago to see the total contributions I have paid so far after 12 years as an employed member and 2 years as voluntary member. When I was logged in, I explored a bit until I came to Transactions menu. I was surprised when I saw Salary Loan Application link. I swear it wasn't there the last time I checked. That was a couple of months ago though. I was thinking, is it now possible to apply for salary loan online? That would be great, I said to myself. Not that I planned to take out a loan from SSS now or in the next few days but I thought it's a great step on SSS part to make members do select transactions online. So, out of curiosity, I clicked on the link and the max amount I can loan was shown together with my home address where the check would be sent. There was an option to update my home address. Then towards the bottom was the Submit button. I was thinking, is it REALLY possible to apply for salary loan online? Well, there's only one...

Valuable Credit Card Lessons Learned

Update:  Less than 24 hours after I published this post, a MetroBank card representative called me to inform me that because I am a valued client of theirs, they are waiving the over the limit fee and the adjustment should reflect in my next bill. I could only say, wow! I did nothing but post my experience in my blog and now I'm getting my 500 pesos back.  Great, don't you think? Now, that's customer service!  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last week I got my Metrobank credit card statement of account. I scanned the paper carefully and nearly fell off my chair when I saw this -> OVER THE LIMIT FEE: Php 500.00 I was never charged for anything - I always pay in full days before the due date. I was able to discipline myself to do that ever since I got the card and I intend to keep that practice as long as I possess a card. For a self-confessed financial literate person that I am, that hurts. It hurts my pocket...