A Baby's Hug

I came across this article today and the story brought tears to my eyes the first time I read it. A must-read story - very touching and so inspiring - that I thought it is worth re-posting. Hope you will like it. This sweet story reminded me of a time years back, when I used to help organise Sahaja Yoga meetings in Caxton Hall in the early 70’s. The hall was packed and Shri Mataji had just finished Her program and people were clamouring around Her… I suddenly viewed from the stage the crowd separating just like the parting of the waters, letting through a woman in rags who obviously just wandered in from the streets; well, the scene was surreal, no one dare go near her …when suddenly Shri Mataji came down and headed straight for this woman and hugged her as if she was a long-lost relative. Needless to say the rest of us kept a distance….then as fast as it started it ended, and the woman just left without a word, with a satisfied look on her face! We were the only family with childre...