Video Baby Monitor: Do You Really Need It?

A video baby monitor is one of the newest inventions designed to help parents keep and eye on and take care of their babies when they cannot be in the same room. Audio baby monitors were invented several decades ago and although they have become more sensitive and reliable, they did not develop very much until the recent invention of the video monitor. An audio baby monitor allows to hear if the baby cries or makes other noise. A video monitor does the same thing but with the additional benefit that you can see your baby on the screen. You can also get movement sensor monitors. This is a different type of equipment that is placed in the baby's bed and alerts you with a light or sound when the baby moves. The Advantages Of Video Over Other Types There are two main advantages of choosing a video baby monitor over other types. 1. You can see your baby. It sounds obvious I know, but there is a big advantage to actually being able to see the baby on the screen. With an audio...